Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Is That All There Is?

I derived these links, which I've displayed in alphabetical order, from the top 50 results of Google and Yahoo! searches I performed on October 5, 2006, using search terms "american flag", "american flag pictures", "flag", "flag of the united states", "united states flag", and "us flag".

I am providing these links for informational and educational purposes only, and therefore have not included links to commercial web sites, such as those which sell American flags, clip art, or stock photography. I have also not included links to sites espousing political beliefs or persuations.

3DFlags.com features 3D animated waving flags from all over the world.

American Flag
An extensive pictorial history of the flag, including Colonial and Revolutionary War flags.

American Flag in The Yahoo! Directory
Listings in the Yahoo! Search Directory under categories Etiquette, Flag Burning, Flag Day, Graphics and Clip Art, Museums, Retailers, and State Flags.

American Flag Wallpaper and Backgrounds for Your Desktop
Spyware-free patriotic wallpaper and backgrounds from About.com.

American Flags - Flag Links - Patriotic Links
Many links to web sites devoted to the American flag and patriotism.

Ben's Guide (3-5): Symbols of U.S. Government - Flag of the United States
A US Government web site devoted to explaining about our system of government and our nation's history to children. This page contains facts about the flag.

Ceremony for the Disposal of Unserviceable Flags
The American Legion's guidelines for disposing of unserviceable flags.

CRS Report for Congress: The United States Flag
This report, prepared for the use of the members of the House and Senate by attorneys with the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress, analyzes the Flag Code and frequently asked questions regarding it.

EDSITEment Lesson Plan - Stars and Stripes Forever: Flag Facts for Flag Day
An educational web site for children provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

FCIC National Contact Center - Order a Flag
Guidelines for obtaining an American flag that has flown over the United States Capital Building in Washington, D.C., by the Federal Citizen Information Center.

FCIC National Contact Center: Our Flag
A detailed analysis of the American flag by the Federal Citizen Information Center.

Flag Day Activities for Kids
Flag Day activities for children, including coloring pages, crafts, and word searches.

Flag of the United States - MSN Encarta
A detailed analysis of the American flag in MSN Encarta.

Flag of the United States - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
A detailed analysis of the American flag in Wikipedia.

Flag of the United States at Allexperts
A detailed analysis of the American flag in Allexperts.

Photos of the American flag submitted by readers of noted blogger Michelle Malkin's tribute to "Take an American Flag to Work Day".

Free Printable Coloring Sheets
A web site for children offering printable coloring sheets with American themes.

Google Directory - Reference > Flags > Regional > United States
Web sites about the American flag in either Google PageRank or alphabetical order.

History of the Flag of the United States
As unlikely as it might seem, the web site for the United States Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden, has one of the most complete analyses of the American flag on the Internet, especially including excellent images of Colonial and Revolutionary War flags.

Mooney's Flag Detective
Mooney's Flag Detective provides tools to identify unfamiliar flags of the world.

National Flag Foundation
The National Flag Foundation is America's leading non-profit patriotic educational organization promoting respect for the American flag.

NSSAR - Flag Etiquette Quiz
Test your knowledge of flag etiquette with this quiz from the Sons of the American Revolution.

Proud to be Americans!
An educational site hosted by Salem, Virginia Elementary School, "Proud to be Americans!" contains a wealth of information for young children related to American history and the American flag.

State Flags
Nice GIF images and descriptions of the flags of all 50 states.

Symbols of the United States
Links to many topics relative to the American flag, including hard-to-find historical images.

The Flag Code
The American Legion's reprint of the Flag Code.

The Flag of the United States
Red Skelton's "Pledge of Allegiance" commentary and an extensive pictorial history of the Stars and Stripes.

Today in History: June 14
A history of Flag Day by the Library of Congress.

United States Flag Procedures
Information about military flag procedures and ceremonies, such as folding the flag, retreat, flag disposal, et cetera, from About.com.

United States of America
Links to numerous pages offering detailed analyses of the American flag at the Flags of the World web site, considered by vexillologists to be the premier source of online information about flags.

Official Government Printing Office online publication of the Flag Code.

US Flag
A graphical presentation on how to fold the flag.

ushistory.org, hosted by the Independence Hall Association in Philadelphia since 1995, is a treasure trove of early American history, early American flags, the evolution of the Stars and Stripes, historical figures, historical places, important documents, and related resources.

World Flag Database
A comprehensive database of high-quality images of virtually all the flags of the world.


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