What Is This?
Welcome to PatriotPix, wherein you will find 46 of my digital impressions of our storied and revered American flag!
Even though PatriotPix is a blog, I've organized it like a traditional web site, having a sidebar containing links from which you can open any of the post pages.
If you're on a dial-up connection, or if you prefer using a low monitor resolution, you can view good quality versions of my images by setting your resolution to 800 x 600 and clicking on any of the links labeled "800 x 600" below the thumbnails in the sidebar.
If you're on a DSL or broadband connection, or if you prefer using a higher monitor resolution, you can view excellent quality versions of my images by setting your resolution to 1024 x 768 and clicking on any of the links labeled "1024 x 768" below the thumbnails in the sidebar.
For best results, maximize your browser window and turn off any web accelerators you may be using, because they tend to degrade image quality. Refer to your provider's instructions if you're not sure how to do this.
I created my images using Adobe Photoshop CS2, Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI, Corel Painter IX.5, GIMP 2.2.13, and IrfanView 3.98.
I've posted various kinds of text with each image, including patriotic songs, speeches, essays, poems, and quotations. To see a list of these, click on the appropriate link in the sidebar under "INDEX TO TEXT" ("Where Was That?").
I've placed links on each page to some great bargains at high-quality e-commerce shopping sites. Please take advantage of these!
If you would like to tag or bookmark any of my pages, I've included links to most of the popular social bookmarking sites at the end of each page. Please take advantage of these also!
All American flag images displayed herein are Copyright © Jeffrey L. Hanson 2006.
Enjoy...and God Bless America!
Technorati Tags:
american flag | american flag art | american flag graphics | american flag images
united states flag | united states flag art | united states flag graphics | united states flag images
u s flag | u s flag art | u s flag graphics | u s flag images | u.s. flag | u.s. flag art
u.s. flag graphics | u.s. flag images | us flag | us flag art | us flag graphics | us flag images
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